Sunday 15 July 2012

Are you hungry, or just starving?

 “Imagine a world without hunger!” 

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

What do you think would happen? Some people see hunger as a bad thing but Matthew 5:6 tells us something else. The Holy spirit explained to me that in a world without hunger, everyone would die of malnutrition and starvation.
How? You might ask. The fact that you are not hungry does not mean your body is not in need. Hunger comes with inconvenience, it comes with pain sometimes. It makes one unsatisfied with what is available and gives us the drive to go for more. Matthew 5:6 gives us a guarantee that if we hunger and thirst after righteousness we will be filled.

So here is my question for today. Have you eaten today? Not your body. I mean your spirit. When last did you feed your spirit. The fact that you don’t feel hungry does not mean you are well fed. Remember something important about hunger, It is PERPETUAL. No matter how high the mountain of food you demolish it, you can be sure that hunger will return after some hours.

Hunger is a blessing, it motivates. An anorexic is a person who is malnourished and yet he/she doesn’t feel hunger, he/she is dying but comfortable.

Today is an encouragement and a reminder to get hungry.
Hungry for more of God,
Hungry to be used by him
Hungry to achieve great works
Hungry to know God more

Why do we need to be hungry?

2 Peter 1:3
as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,

Because we will be filled.
2Peter 1:3 tells us that God has given us ALL we need to have a good life and to be godly. But how do we access it, how do we access the ALL THINGS? We access them through the knowledge of Christ, through building a relationship with God. Like any other relationship, there are things we need to do to build that relationship. Things we need to do if we want to feel the hunger and get filled.
If you have ever felt unhappy with your spiritual life, if you have ever felt pressed that you need to achieve more, if you have sleepless nights asking God to use you for something great. YOU ARE RIGHT.
Keep at it, keep feeding the real you and God’s assurance to you is that. You will be filled.

Fill me cup Lord. Fill me, use me, make me hungry for you and help me not to be so eager to be comfortable that I disconnect myself from the hunger pangs of my spirit. 

 Matthew 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

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