Thursday 27 March 2014

I had a dream

True life story from Imose

I found myself on a very beautiful and breathtaking beach. The sun was shining brightly and everything was reflecting its light. The sand was shining like tiny crystals, the clear blue sea was shining like glass and the waves were gently going back and forth on the shore.  As I stood admiring the landscape, my first thought was let’s go and praise God.

I looked to my left and saw a huge‘office building’ about five stories high. There was a long paved pathway leading up to transparent glass doors at the entrance with beautiful plants and palm trees here and there.
There were groups of people all around walking on the path towards building appearing relaxed and unrushed. As I joined them, I noticed that some people were wearing sleeveless white tunics made of thick wool that looked as soft as feathers while others were wearing normal clothes (suits,skirts, trousers, dresses etc.) Someone in the white tunic with a camera in his hand called me aside. He pointed towards the beach and said ‘Look closely’.

As I looked at the water, I saw a great whirlpool in the distance. There were people in it but I could only see their hands. The sea seemed to be swallowing them up and taking them downwards out of sight. At this point, I started to wonder about this place where I found myself and what I was doing in such a place. Then it hit me: Bad things were happening to the people who weren’t wearing the white tunics. I became very sad and troubled and began to walk away from the building.

Then I saw a group of people on the beach. Most of them were children. They were wearing school uniforms and looked like they were on a field trip. I noticed that only one little boy was wearing the white tunic. Suddenly, the sand under their feet became fiery red like lava. It had the shape of a bird with large wings which came up, covered them then dove into the ground. They all vanished except the little boy.

I was terrified and became frantic. A million thoughts were rushing through my mind... (My heart is breaking! This white wool tunic is the greatest treasure any one could ever have! Too many people are wearing ordinary clothes! I need to do something! Hurry!Warn them! Find a way to stop people from coming to this place! Find out where all these people are coming from! Don’t let them come here without it! I need to warn my family! I need to warn everyone! They need to get the white tunics before they get here! They need to protect their wool tunics with everything they’ve got! I need to go back!)

As I hurried down the path desperately trying to get to the entry point of this place, I looked at the people’s faces hoping that if I saw anyone I knew that they would be wearing the white tunic.I saw two people wearing white shirts and trousers. ‘You are wearing the wrong type of white’ I said. Where are your wool clothes? But they said ‘There is nothing to worry about’. They seemed confident that they would be fine since they were wearing white. With a sinking feeling, I wished them well.

As I continued on my way, I heard a voice say that I was not allowed to go back and that if I did, my wool tunic would be exchanged for ordinary clothes. So I thought to myself ‘Let me send an e-mail to my friends to tell them that they must make sure they get their wool tunics before they find themselves here. I found a laptop but there was no e-mail or internet connection available on it. Thats when I woke up 20/01/2014


  1. Mmm..may we be guided aright..the Lord is my shepherd..
