Friday 25 January 2013

He Has No Orphans

God has no step children.

I know what it feels like, to come into God's presence and feel like you have betrayed him.
You feel like an unworthy stepchild  (much like what the prodigal son must have felt)
You know God loves you, you once loved him totally / you still love him totally.
The things is, you are not sure.

Youve been doing some things lately or for a long time now and when they started, you were sure of your stand.
You even tried repenting alot of times, or maybe just a few.

Now Its been a while and you're no longer repenting (But you are sorry)
You know its wrong but you know you will do it again
You know that the things that made you fall in the first place, still hold you down
They hold you back from letting go

The only thing is, you miss God, you miss his presence.
You miss the way you felt in worship 
You miss the CONFIDENCE his love gave you to come into his presence boldly

I know what it feels like to be about to worship God wholeheartedly and ask yourself, "Isnt there a special ritual I have to perform before I start to worship?"
Maybe I need to ask for forgiveness first. But I am going to do this thing again. I m not ready to stop. 
I am still angry, still lying, still stealing, still seeing that person e.t.c
How can I just start singing from my heart as if everything is alright. Isnt that wrong?
How can I enter his presence when I am still living in sin?

My friend, my brother, my child, I have been there. But God has no orphans, step children or ex-children.

Forget about yourself ad throw yourself at his feet.
Can I ask you please today, worship him with ALL your heart
Forget about your sin and focus on his love
You have no other father, and yours wants you, just like that.

Worship him let him make you whole,
Worship him, he's in control,
Worship your heavenly father, he will nurse you back to health

Worship is about Who God is, not what you've done
He is still wonderful
He is all powerful
His love is everlasting and he loves you
You are his child and his heart is for you
Worship your heavenly father freely
You are not an orphan, you are his


  1. This message is so apt!! Thank You, for letting God speak through you to me!!! I've been so angry lately... And really didnt know if I was worthy to be in his presence or not! But now I'm just going to let Go and Let God!!

  2. Thanks for the msg "worship is about who God is & not what we've done" nor who we are.
    God bless bless you richly.
