Thursday 21 June 2012

'The REAL You'

The you you have is a result of the you you feed. - Me
Why feed the real you? who is the real you? Is any you that you feed the real you?
This poem will help us decide.


I saw a car one day, drive off and leave its owner.

“Oh No!” He cried, “my car, my pride!”
“I’ll get you back, I’ll get you fixed. Come back to me, I need a ride.”
He quickly bestowed upon the car brains so it could find its way back to him and thus the car said.
“Good bye owner, you’re on your own
Now I’m in charge, I’ve got to go.
I feel so grand, I’m Living Large.”

Around and Round the owner chased.
“Please stop a while, let me inside.
You’ll take me here, I’ll take you there.
In serving me, you’ll have a life,
but on your own, there’s naught but strife.”
Go away owner, I’m in control,
never again, will you hold the reigns.”
Around and round the car did go,
Left here, right there, and a u-turn there.
It came to a stop for it couldn’t go on.

Its gas was gone, Its tyres frayed.
It smiled with pride “Oh what a life.
I drove and drove

I rode and rode and now my time has come.
Oh! Dear scrap yard, take all I have for life has been so hard.”

There in the yard, he met a truck,
“Hi there, Old friend.” He said to him
And told long tales all day, all night
of zipping and zapping around and round
Of sights he’d seen and places he’d been
Of hurdles he crossed and things he escaped.
“Oh! What a joy, to have lived free.”

“Do you know what you are?” His old friend asked.
An ambulance from all your stats.
Please tell me more, about your days,
I’d love to hear your other tales
What precious lives you must have have saved,
The thrills you felt the days you did
The lows you had, the days you failed
What a full life you must have lived
An ambulance with precious cargo
But first my friend, please tell me how come.
Your steering wheel, still looks so new.
I would like to know

“Who was driving you?”

Imagine a headless Chicken, A Car with a faulty Steering wheel on high speed and a Worm Cut in half.
What do they all have in common?
Much movement, Much Activity, Much Achievement but to what end? To what purpose?

The REAL YOU is the part of you that connects you to God. The part of you that helps you fulfill your greatest purpose and live the most exciting and free life you can live.
Feed your SPIRIT and DISCOVER how AMAZING God has made you.
Don’t just live because you are alive.
Life makes the most sense when you are truly in tune with GODS GRAND DESIGN.

The Real you is your spirit, it only feeds on God's Word
Feed the Real You

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